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Читать книгу Bruce Lee Jeet Kune Do. Bruce Lee's Commentaries on the Martial Way онлайн

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By Linda Lee Cadwell

“Boy! This is it!” Bruce would frequently exclaim as he sat at his desk or propped up in bed, writing his descriptions of the absolute fighting system. “When I have finished writing down everything that goes into my Way of gung fu, that will be it!”

The story of how Bruce Lee came to transcribe the notes that appear in this volume is a testament to his intelligence and determination, to his powers of observation and irrepressible positive nature. Bruce wrote most of his Commentaries on the Martial Way after he sustained a severe back injury from improper weight training in 1970. The medical tests showed damage to the fourth sacral nerve and the doctor cautioned Bruce to forgo his martial arts training because the force of kicks and punches could cause further injury. Total rest was prescribed with the hope that Bruce would recuperate sufficiently to lead a “normal” lifestyle, not the active lifestyle of a martial artist. Bruce was disheartened, to say the least.
