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Читать книгу The Grand Traverse of the Massif Central. by mountain bike, road bike or on foot онлайн

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It is hard work pushing uphill (Stage 11)


Perhaps the most common ailment that befalls travellers abroad is stomach upset or diarrhoea. Rest and light meals often provide the best cure, although a non-prescription medicine will help to ease the symptoms. Failure to correct stomach upsets can lead to weakness, dehydration and further complications.

Colds and other minor ailments are usually easily treatable with medication from a pharmacist (small supermarkets, grocers and newsagents in France do not usually stock medicines such as paracetamol, aspirin and cold relief powders), but it is advisable to include basic medications in a first-aid kit.

Over-exposure to the sun and heat stroke are other problems to be avoided at all costs. Always wear a helmet when cycling, but otherwise a sun hat, and sunglasses and high-factor sunscreen. If the weather becomes very hot, then set off early in the morning and have a long siesta during the heat of the day. Drink plenty of liquid to prevent dehydration, and cover exposed skin that is unused to a southern sun.
