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Apart from farm stock, or feral goats in the Cheviot Hills, other large mammals that can be seen around Northumberland include shy roe deer, generally seen grazing the margins of forests at dawn and dusk, along with rabbits, foxes and badgers. Britain’s most northerly colony of dormice are found at Allen Banks, and the elusive otter can be spotted, with patience, beside rivers, ponds or on the coast.

Reptiles are seldom seen, but adders and grass snakes are present, along with slow worms and common lizards. Amphibians such as frogs are more likely to be visible, while toads and newts are much less common.

The heather moorlands of Northumberland are managed for grouse shooting, and apart from large populations of red grouse, there are a few black grouse in the region. Late spring and early summer are important times for breeding birds. Cuckoos will be heard as they advance northwards, while skylark, lapwing, snipe and curlew are often seen on broad moorlands. The curlew is the emblem of the Northumberland National Park. Watch out for buzzards and kestrels in open areas. Herons fish in ponds and watercourses, while dippers and grey wagtails will completely submerge themselves in rivers.
