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To avoid blisters, wear comfortable lightweight boots and well-fitting socks that you know from experience will not give you any problems – in other words, don’t set out on a 100-mile walk in brand-new, untested footwear. And do change your socks daily. Should you discover a ‘hot spot’ on heel or toe during the day, stop at once and fit moleskin or Compeed before a blister can develop.

Apply sunscreen and lip salve, and wear a wide-brimmed hat for protection against sunburn. Make sure you remain hydrated throughout the day by drinking plenty of liquids (not alcohol; leave that until the evening, if you must). Fill and refill your water bottle from reliable sources at every opportunity.

Carry a first aid kit and a mobile phone for use in emergencies (and hope you can get some reception, see below), and if you are walking alone, let a friend or family member know your itinerary.

Mobile phones, wi-fi and the internet

Mobile phone coverage is sporadic along the route; good in places, but non-existent in others. Most B&B establishments now offer use of wi-fi (free or for a small charge), but my advice is to enjoy a few days away from the internet. You may come to realise it is not essential to everyday living! There’s a real world out there: enjoy the freedom it offers.
