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The road serving Igueste de San Andrés bends round a barranco and this walk starts at its furthest point inland, where there is a bus shelter beside an ATM. Follow the road signposted ‘Pista Hoya de los Juncos’, which climbs from the village, crossing and re-crossing the Barranco de Igueste. Pass a few houses and enter the Parque Rural Anaga. The barranco bed supports dense canes and aloes, while the steep and rugged slopes rising from it are thick with tabaibal and cardón.

Turn right as marked up a steep concrete track with a 10kph speed limit. Turn left off it along a level path past little terraces, passing an old sign reading ‘Casillas’. The path climbs a steep rugged slope, and a couple of little houses can be seen tucked into hollows. The scrub features tabaibal, cardón, prickly pears and asphodel, as well as fragrant incienso and lavender. The path levels out on a ridge, Lomo de la Zapata, with a view back to Igueste and the sea, as well as up to the well-wooded crest of the mountains.
