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Quiche Lorraine

What to eat

In France the route is entirely in Lorraine, which has a typically French cuisine with some Alsatian and German influences. This includes the popular Alsatian dish of choucroute garnie, a dish of various cuts of pork meat and sausages served with sauerkraut heated in white wine. A typical light meal is tarte flambée or flammekueche, a thin pizza-style base covered with white cheese, onions and bacon and cooked in a wood oven. The most famous local speciality is quiche Lorraine, an open savoury tart filled with egg, cream and bacon. French patisseries (cake shops) offer a mouth-watering selection of cakes and pastries including local specialities like macaroons from Nancy and madeleines. Mirabelles are small golden plums, harvested in August and used to make both fruit tarts and a strong fruit brandy.

Germany is the land of the schwein (pig) and pork, gammon, bacon and ham dishes dominate German menus. Traditionally, pork was pot-roasted or grilled rather than fried. There are over 1500 types of German wurst (sausage), the most common being bratwurst (made from minced pork and served grilled or fried), wienerwurst (smoked sausages served boiled, known as frankfurters in English) and blutwurst (blood sausage). Sauerbraten is marinated roast beef, while fleischkaese and leberkaese are kinds of meat loaf. Forelle (trout) and lachs (salmon) are the most popular fish. The most common vegetable accompaniments are sauerkraut and boiled potatoes. Reibekuchen are potato pancakes, served with apple sauce. Spargel (white asparagus) is consumed in huge quantities during Spargelzeit (asparagus season), between mid-April and 24 June. Germans tend to eat kuchen (cakes) in mid-morning or mid-afternoon and as a result desserts offered with main meals are rather limited, often to just apple strudel or ice cream.
