Главная » The GR10 Trail. Through the French Pyrenees: Le Sentier des Pyrenees читать онлайн | страница 11

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Section 4: Mérens-les-Vals to Banyuls-sur-Mer (Stages 44–55)

The first few days of this section are through spectacular Alpine terrain, after which the mountains become gentler. After the dominating Canigou massif is passed, the terrain becomes drier but remains mountainous, with the final 1000m peak being only a few miles from Banyuls-sur-Mer. Section totals: 215km; 9700m ascent; 64 hours.

Pont d’Espagne (Stage 18)

The route

The GR10 doesn’t pass over many summits, but suggestions are made in the route descriptions for climbing many of the easier peaks along the route, often from cols over which the GR10 passes. If you want to climb some of the higher, more difficult peaks you should ask for advice from the guardians of the refuges.

It would be possible to walk the GR10 from Mediterranean to Atlantic, but this guide describes the route from the Atlantic so that you have the prevailing wind/rain on your back and you have time to acclimatise to the heat before reaching the Mediterranean, with the added advantage that in hot weather the steep climbs can often be done in the shade of early morning.
