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From the Col de Méhatché you could climb Artzamendi (926m) following the tarmac road to the communications complex on the summit or Pic Iguzki (844m) by its grassy northeast ridge.

The GR10 turns half-right, E, to reach a ridge which is followed past borderstone 82 and on to borderstone 83 at the Col d’Artzatey. Skirt left of the next top to the next col (3hr 55min, 630m). Before reaching the barn on the col, turn sharp right and descend steeply into a crag-bound valley. A rough rocky path then descends down the N slopes of the valley. There are now wires to protect the most exposed rocksteps.

Towards the bottom of the descent a small path goes steeply up to the left to the Grotte le Saint-que-Sue (Harpeko Saindua). Legend suggests that a young shepherdess was found ‘petrified’ in the rock. The cave became a shrine and site of pilgrimage with claims that the ‘holy water’ oozing through the cave would cure skin and eye diseases.

Eventually the path reaches a road (4hr 45min). Turn left along it before descending switchbacks to cross a bridge over Torrent le Bastan. Follow the road along or above the S bank of the river, passing a few swimming holes. About 20m before the road recrosses the river (5hr 20min), turn right up a steep path, then left along an old track. Fork right and then veer right round a ridge to reach a road by Gîte Urrizate. Follow the road, ignoring a sharp left turn, to arrive at the W end of Bidarray (5hr 45min, 150m). If you don’t need the facilities at Bidarray you could turn right here and start Stage 4. Head E down the road into Bidarray (5hr 45min, 150m).
