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Lying some 300m above Tschagguns, Latschau is a collection of chalets overlooking a reservoir. Reached by local bus via a road that twists between meadows and chalets, there’s plenty of parking space for visitors with their own cars, while the area is also served by a two-stage gondola lift system from Vandans.

Wander along the narrow tarmac road heading south above the reservoir. Passing a number of chalets take the left branch when it forks. A few paces after this you pass to the left of Hotel Montabella. Once again the road forks, but this time take the right branch. Almost immediately the road becomes a stony track.

The way goes through a wooded gorge, then forks. Both routes lead to the Lindauer Hut, but on this occasion keep to the left branch. After going through mixed woods you emerge to open meadows and the scattered chalets and haybarns of Volspora. Ahead can be seen the Sulzfluh and its glacier.

At the far end of the meadows another track breaks left to Alpilaalpe, but ignore this and keep ahead to Volsporaalpe (1234m) where, should you be in need of refreshment, a path descends to the river, then climbs the opposite bank to the Gauertalhaus. If refreshment is not required, remain on the track which now rises to another level where long fingers of coniferous trees come down into the valley. When the track forks again, keep ahead, remaining on the east side of the river.
