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The Chilean Flamingo or Flamenco chileno (Phoenicopterus chilensis) is found on or around lakes with a high alkaline or salt content such as Laguna Amarga and Laguna Los Cisnes.

The Black-necked Swan or Cisne de cuello negro (Cygnus melancoryphus) is frequently seen along the shores of Last Hope Sound near Puerto Natales, or Laguna de los Juncos or Lago Toro within the park. Slightly less common is the Coscoroba or Cisne coscoroba (Coscoroba coscoroba), a smaller all-white swan with a reddish bill. The Upland Goose or Caiquén (Chloephaga picta) is another common resident in and around the park; the male is predominantly white with a black barred breast, and the female predominantly cinnamonbrown with black barred flanks. The slightly smaller Ashy-headed Goose (Chleophaga poliocephala) is also fairly common.

Carancho or Southern Caracara (Caracara plancus)

The Crested Duck (Lophonetta specularioides), Andean Ruddy Duck (Oxyura ferruginea), Chiloe Wigeon (Anas sibilatrix) and Speckled Teal (Anas flavirostris) are all fairly common residents in the park. Less common are the Spectacled or Bronze-winged Duck (Speculanus specularis) and Flying steamer-Duck (Tachyeres patachonicus), both of which can be seen on Lago Toro, the Cinnamon Teal (Anas cyanoptera) and the rather wonderful Torrent Duck or Pato cortacorrientes (Merganetta armata), which can be spotted perched on rocks in some of the more remote, fast-running mountain streams, such as the upper reaches of Río Ascensio.
