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From the roundhouse, take the path on the left that soon joins another. Ignore the path that comes down from the right. Cross over this bridleway and take the lower path. Ignore the first turning on the right and take the second, by a sign for Lanwell, which then crosses a boardwalk. Just before you turn off, you may want to explore the area marked St Peter’s Well on the 1:25,000 map where there are remains of a chapel. There is a turf-covered roundhouse on the left and the land here is used for running courses in traditional woodland management.

Once over the boardwalk, ignore the path on the left and continue up the slope. This area has a number of interesting wooden houses.

Cross diagonally over the green and follow the footpath that then swings left and runs between two hedges. Ignore the path that crosses the open field.

When you reach a track turn right into Manselfield. When the road bends round to the right carry straight on along Reigit Lane. Ignore the turning on the right to Mansel Drive and carry on past the end of the houses and onto a footpath that comes to a gate to Clyne Common. Continue straight ahead along the path, cross a boggy area and turn right in the direction of the red houses ahead and then in the direction of two mobile phone masts. The path becomes indistinct in places and finally crosses a boggy area to a swing gate. Follow the path to the road and carry straight on.
