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Читать книгу Walking and Trekking in the Sierra Nevada. 38 walks, scrambles and multi-day traverses онлайн

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Don’t try zipping up your tent to keep them out; they will just claw their way in and leave your tent in tatters. Let them come in and see there’s nothing to take. Tie your pack to yourself so they can’t pull it out of the tent. Better still, bury food outside under rocks and put boots inside your rucksack. Accept that you will be woken up and don’t let it worry you; they’re unlikely to hurt you. Be grateful you’re not camping in bear country! If you’re careful, you won’t lose anything of value.


There are two main poisonous snakes in the region. Lataste’s viper is usually found between 800m and 2800m; adults are normally less than 60cm in length and have a snub nose. The Montpellier snake can be found anywhere up to 2150m altitude and can grow to 240cm/3kg. Its teeth are set at the back of its top jaw, so you would have to be manhandling the snake in order to be bitten. Like most snakes, both of these species will be more eager to get away from you than vice versa – provided you give them a wide berth and treat them with respect. However, their bites are not considered serious for most healthy people.
