Главная » Walking and Trekking in the Sierra Nevada. 38 walks, scrambles and multi-day traverses читать онлайн | страница 53

Читать книгу Walking and Trekking in the Sierra Nevada. 38 walks, scrambles and multi-day traverses онлайн

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Some walks necessarily overlap, and this affords the opportunity to extend or ‘bolt on’ an additional section to suit. There are countless possible variations throughout the Sierra Nevada; it is the sincere hope that this guide explains the best of the possibilities and provides an inspiration for the reader to go out and explore others.


Timings include normal short refreshment breaks and camera halts etc along the route, but they exclude extended stops. They allow for a slower rate of travel at altitude. They are calculated for summer ascents only; ascents in winter may take longer due to additional rucksack weight and variations in conditions underfoot.

The times are based on those of a reasonably fit person in their early 60s (the author) and happen to equate closely to Naismith’s rule. Adjust timings accordingly if you are younger and fitter – or maybe even older than the author! (Naismith’s rule was devised by William W Naismith, a Scottish mountaineer, in 1892. The basic rule has been adjusted over time, and it states that you should allow 1hr for every 4km forward, plus 1hr for every 600m of ascent and 45min for every 500m of descent.)
