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The third feature refers to an action response (dioti). Those in other countries who have legitimate rights claims are entitled to our responding via our correlative duties. Ignorance of their plight does not absolve us from our responsibility. What often gets in the way is that we view those in the extended community as having their own society (that is viewed as the proximate provider of goods and services). Because our world is set up on the model of individual, sovereign states, it seems to many that each country should take care of its own. The community model offers some support to this analysis. However, in the end this sort of parochialism fails because the boundaries of states are not Natural facts but socially constructed conventions. Where one country ends and another begins is an artifact of history and military conquest. Since few of us (except the kraterists)22 believe that might confers normative goodness, this position should be rejected. The boundaries of states are artificial and do not indicate Natural divisions (even when the boundary between states is a mountain range or a river).
