Главная » The GR11 Trail. The Traverse of the Spanish Pyrenees - La Senda Pirenaica читать онлайн | страница 35

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There doesn’t seem to be an official starting point for the GR11 but the Faro de Higuer lighthouse is the prominent feature on the cape. You could of course climb down the rocks to dip your toes in the Atlantic Ocean.

Follow the tarmac track, signed ‘GR121 to Hondarribia’, down between the lighthouse and the campground, soon forking left along a path which loops round the lighthouse and follows the slumping undercliff. On reaching the road, turn left down to the harbour and follow the coast road past the sandy Playa de Hondarribia (25min) where there are water-points, toilets and beach showers. There are water-points at regular intervals along the seafront. Continue past the large marina and along the shore until the road turns inland alongside a canal opposite the airport (1hr).

Hondarribia is a large tourist resort with all facilities. Camping Jaizkibel, 500m W of the centre of Hondarribia, also has cabins and bar-restaurant. Albergue Juan Sebastián Elcano is at the N end of Hondarribia, inland from the marina. You must show the youth hostelling international card in this youth hostel.
