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Starting at Hackness Village Hall, walk up the road as if heading for the rest of the village, then double back sharp left up a track on a wooded slope. Keep right at a track junction to reach a grassy crest. Continue alongside Chapman Banks Wood for a while, then drift right to the other side of the vegetated crest, to locate a small gate hidden in a far corner. Go through the gate and keep to the edge of a field beside another wood, at around 160m (525ft). Look ahead to spot step-stiles from field to field and always keep to the edge, beside the wood. In the last field, aim for a farmhouse and go through a gate to reach a road.

Keep right of the buildings at Broxa to follow the farm road. Turn right and continue along a narrow, tarmac, muck-and-manure road, passing a public footpath sign and heading in the direction of Broxa Forest. However, before reaching the forest, turn right as directed by another public footpath sign and walk across a field. Cross a step-stile among nettles into Fewler Gate Wood and follow a path down through a little wooded valley. Head right at the bottom, but watch for a stile on the left and step out into a field in Hard Dale. Go down to a stream and cross it, as indicated by a public footpath signpost. Walk uphill and turn left along a farm road.
