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Cross the road with care and turn right along a path to reach a gap at the head of the Hole of Horcum, above a sharp bend on the main road. Go through a gate and follow a moorland track a short way uphill that soon levels out at around 270m (885ft) on Levisham Moor. There is only one clear track across the undulating heather moorland, so route-finding errors are unlikely, even though the area is quite featureless. Small cast-iron plaques mark features of interest along the way. Tiny Seavy Pond and Dundale Pond, which were dug in medieval times as watering-holes for livestock, can be easily passed by unseen, as they are choked with vegetation.

The track crosses a gap at the latter, where there is a five-fingered signpost. Walk a short way uphill to leave the moorland at a gate, where it becomes a tarmac road, Limpsey Gate Lane, leading down into the attractive and spacious village of Levisham. Keep walking down the road to the bottom end of the village. Follow a path straight downhill, cutting out a sweeping bend to land on the road at a lower level. Turn left down the road to pass Levisham Mill Farm, deep in the valley. Climb up the steep road to return to Lockton.
