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8 Bernard, H.R. (2011). Research Methods in Anthropology: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches, 6th Edition Altamira Press.

9 Beteille, A. and Maden, T.N. (eds.) (1975). Encounter and Experience, Personal Accounts of Fieldwork. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

10 Clatts, M., et al. (1996). Risk Behaviors among Injection Drug Users in New York City: Critical Gaps in Prevention Policy. Global AIDS Policy. Douglas A. Feldman, ed. Westport CT: Bergen and Garvey. Applied Medical Anthropology. 65.

11 Clatts, M., Davis, W.R., Deren, S., Goldsmith, D., and Tortu, S. (1996). Risk behaviors among injection drug users in New York City: Critical gaps in prevention policy. In: Global AIDS Policy. (ed. D. Feldman).

12 Corbin, J.M., and Strauss, A. (1990). Grounded theory research: Procedures, canons, and evaluative criteria. Qualitative sociology 13(1): 3–21.

13 Dale, J., Shipman, C., Lacock, L., and Davies, M. (1996). Creating a shared vision of out of hours care: Using rapid appraisal methods to create an interagency, community oriented, approach to service development. British Medical Journal 312: 1206.
