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40 Lock, M. and Nichter, M. (2002). Introduction: From documenting medical pluralism to critical interpretations of globalized health knowledge, policies, and practices. In: New Horizons in Medical Anthropology: Essays in Honour of Charles Leslie (ed. M. Nichter and M. Lock), 1–34. New York: Routledge.

41 Lyotard, J.-F. (1979 1984). The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge (trans. G. Bennington and B. Massumi). Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press.

42 Marcus, G.E. (2005). The passion of anthropology in the U.S., Circa 2004. Anthropological Quarterly 78 (3): 673–695.

43 McElroy, A. (1986). M.A.N. and MAQ in retrospect: 1968–1986. Medical Anthroplogy Quarterly 17 (5): 115+125–127.

44 McElroy, A. and Townsend, P.K. (2004). Medical Anthropology in Ecological Perspective, 4th ed. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.

45 Metzner, E. and Warren, N. (2018). Particularities in common: A collection of essays about the training, theory, and practice of medical anthropologies from several contexts around the world. American Anthropologist 120 (3): 549–576.
