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The Yogic Kitchen

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Автор: Jody Vassallo
Объем страниц: 270 стр. 98 иллюстраций
Год: 30 ноября 2019
ISBN: 9780008339821

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Follow the Ayurvedic path to health with this ancient approach to food as medicine Tried and tested over thousands of years, the ancient Indian practice of Ayurveda understands that everyone is different. Where comfort for one person might be a hot and spicy noodle broth, for another it might mean a steaming bowl of earthy stew. The sister philosophy to Yoga, Ayurveda teaches you to eat according to your constitution (or dosha) to heal, restore and bring balance to your system. In The Yogic Kitchen, Ayurvedic health coach, skilled cook and passionate yoga teacher Jody Vassallo offers you 100 recipes designed specifically for your dosha and simply explains how to work out what foods your body needs to thrive. Packed full of delicious and nourishing soups, bakes and curries, this book illustrates the power of the right ingredients to calm, soothe and restore harmony in your body and your mind.

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