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Walking the Corbetts Vol 2 North of the Great Glen

Книга - Walking the Corbetts Vol 2 North of the Great Glen скачать fb2

Автор: Brian Johnson
Объем страниц: 390 стр. 200 иллюстраций
ISBN: 9781849659093

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The Corbetts (Scotland's 2500-2999ft mountains) are every bit as interesting as the Munros (3000ft and over), often clear when the Munros are in cloud, walkable on short winter days, free of the peak-bagging crowds of their taller neighbours.

Walking the Corbetts is divided into two volumes. The guide covers the Corbetts to the north of the Great Glen, which runs from Fort William to Inverness and includes those in Knoydart, Applecross, Torridon and the isles of Skye, Mull, Rum and Harris. Choosing the best, rather than the quickest, routes up each summit the author covers 109 peaks in 90 routes, illustrated with custom 1:100,000 mapping.

South of the Great Glen it is the Munros which attract most attention, but along the western seaboard and in the far north it is the Corbetts that dominate the landscape with isolated rocky peaks rising steeply above the sea and inland lochs, in a wilderness of heather and bog dotted with sparkling lochs and lochans. There are spectacular Corbetts all the way from Ardgour to Cape Wrath. The far north-west provides some of the most magnificent mountain scenery in the world and it is difficult to beat the magical islands of Mull, Rum, Skye and Harris.

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