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Chi Kung. The Art of Mastering the Unseen Life Force

Книга - Chi Kung. The Art of Mastering the Unseen Life Force скачать fb2

Автор: Lily Siou
Объем страниц: 310 стр. 308 иллюстраций
ISBN: 9781462907595

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While Ch'i Kung is the oldest of the Chinese martial arts and still survives today in the 20th century, there are relatively few people in these modern times who know little about it, other than its existence.However, this book, written by Lily Siouherselfa master of Ch'i Kung, pierces the secrets of the ages and makes known both the benefits and wisdom to be gained by the practice of this ancient art. It also serves as an easy, but, entertaining introduction to the Chinese concept of life-force, health and healing.As the reader will soon discover, Ch'i Kung is not only a profound philosophy; it also can be an intriguing life-style which if faithfully followed holds the reward of bringing mind and body into harmony with all things. Likewise, it offers a solution to the all too common realities of modern-day living such as tension, anxiety, high blood pressure, obesity, loss of vigor, and general deconditioning on many levels.

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