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Інсомвіта. Психологічний трилер з елементами детективу
У центрі сюжету книги — історія Роберта Бланша — адвоката, життя якого розділено на дві частини. Перша частина — це реальність, друга — це світ йогоУ центрі сюжету книги — історія Роберта Бланша — адвоката, життя якого розділено на дві частини. Перша частина — це реальність, друга — це світ його сновидінь. Одного разу у світі сновидінь він потрапляє до психолога, який влаштовує йому гіпнотичний сеанс. Відтоді його життя круто змінюється. Саме цей сеанс невдовзі призведе до низки карколомних подій у його житті. В основу твору покладено реальні події.
Insomvita. Psychological thriller with elements of a crime story
This book tells a story of Robert Blanche, a lawyer with a life split in two — his own and the world of his dreams. Every night he sees the sameThis book tells a story of Robert Blanche, a lawyer with a life split in two — his own and the world of his dreams. Every night he sees the same dream — another life in another world. There, he is Trevor, a war correspondent. One day, Trevor visits a psychologist, who puts him under hypnosis. Suddenly his life is turned upside-down and both he and Robert are put through the ringer as they try to find their way back to ‘normal’. Inspired by true events.
Can you remember what you dreamt about today? Most people claim they do not dream of anything, like ever, although in truth dreams occur everyCan you remember what you dreamt about today? Most people claim they do not dream of anything, like ever, although in truth dreams occur every night. But when we wake up, we forget not only the dream, but also the fact that we had one. That’s just how complex a human mind is and how little we know about it. This book tells a story of Robert Blanche, a lawyer with a life split in two – the real one and the world of his dreams. Every night he sees the same dream – his other life in another world.