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Leave the car park by walking out to the road and turning right to pass the high school. Having crossed the entrance to the school, take the next turning on the left, a narrow, surfaced lane that runs up beside the school.

When you meet two wide, stony tracks branching off to the left, ignore them, and stay with the surfaced track that swings right and climbs towards Higher Knoll Farm. Ignore the turning to the farm when you get there and, instead, continue up-field, climbing a sloping farm pasture for about 500m to meet, at a gate, a broad, stony track directly below Rivington Pike.

Rivington Pike from the edge of Wilderswood

Through the gate, bear right a little, but then swing left, still on a broad, stony track. Pass through a metal gate and follow the rough track beyond. When the track forks, you have the choice of making a beeline for the top of the pike, or of bearing right and following the stony track to the far side of the hill and ascending from there – the choice is yours. For information about Rivington Pike, see ssss1.
