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Establishments calling themselves a turistaház, turistaszálló or üdülő as well as hostels run by the state railway company and a few affiliated campsites are listed in the rarely updated Természetbarát Szálláshelyek published by Hungary’s main walking club, the MTSZ, or the Union of the Hungarian Friends of Nature. The book is available from the Cartographia map shop (see Appendix 4). For other budget accommodation the free Tourinform booklet Ifjúsági Szálláskatalógus is rather limited, as it only lists hostels affiliated to the International Youth Hostel Association, few of which are near walking routes.

Private Rooms and Apartments

When passing through a village, look for the following signs: szoba kiadó, zimmer frei and apartmen frei. Many private households offer a clean room or apartment with clean bedding for a reasonable price, although meals are not usually available.

Alternatively rent a room or apartment in a family house registered with the Falusi és Agroturizmus Országos Szövetsége (Hungarian Federation of Rural Tourism). Look for their logo (intertwined red and green hearts) on garden gates. Their free catalogue in Hungarian, English and German is available at their Budapest headquarters in Király utca (see Appendix 4). Booking accommodation is not strictly part of their service but they will, if pressed, telephone a householder for tourists who cannot speak Hungarian. Many of the properties in the scheme are also listed on the Centre of Rural Tourism website (see Appendix 4) which has an English-language option. Their packages also include hands-on farming experience, green tourism and activities geared to children. Depending on the setup you will either share bathroom facilities with the family or hire a separate apartment with en suite bathroom and kitchen. Price per night is reasonable, but expect it to rise during public holidays, especially Christmas and Easter. Meals are often available for an additional charge. You are not obliged to eat your host’s food but do let them know in advance if you require feeding. If you cannot speak Hungarian there will be some silences at dinner, although it is rarely awkward as the householders in the scheme are usually friendly. Some families will ply you with wine all night and insist on speaking to you in pidgin German.
