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Follow the Hungarian countryside code: stay on the waymarked paths; do not light fires; keep dogs on a leash; do not play radios, pick flowers or leave litter; and camp only in designated areas. If you are taking a very large group into a national park ask the relevant authority for permission.


During the Communist period egalitarianism was the ideology if not always the practice, but there was at least an emphasis on access to the countryside for all. In reality, however, international frontiers or areas near military installations were out of bounds. Agreements between the countries of the Warsaw Pact to control the movement of dissidents obliged the Hungarians to patrol the border with fellow socialist Czechoslovakia, and anyone who strayed too close to the frontier was escorted away at gunpoint, or worse. Today the problem for walking access is privatisation. Although Hungarian law obliges private landowners to honour waymarked routes set up before privatisation there have been problems such as landowners building fences without consultation. The main pressure group dealing with walkers’ access issues, the Union of the Hungarian Friends of Nature (MTSZ), was involved in government negotiations with private forest owners, but is powerless in the face of failed negotiations with other landowners.
