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The trail, which is closed to motorized vehicles despite the fumes, noise, and ugliness of the trailhead, starts from the northeast corner of the parking lot and descends for 50 yards to a junction with Wilson River Trail just before a gracefully arcing wooden bridge over North Fork Wilson River. Before crossing the bridge, consider taking a quick side trip to the right (south) on the Wilson River Trail. After 0.1 mile this trail takes you past a viewpoint of Lester Creek Falls, a two-tiered 15-foot drop where Lester Creek tumbles into the river. After visiting this lovely falls, return to the bridge and cross to the east side of the clear river.

The trail climbs a switchback away from the bridge and then ascends into a lovely second-growth forest mostly comprised of Douglas firs. The grade remains gentle using long switchbacks and winding traverses to accomplish its ascent. You soon climb past a small, wet meadow choked with red alders and then resume hiking in coniferous woods with only occasional views of craggy Kings Mountain to the east and Kings Mountain Junior to the southeast. Although the trail twice crosses traces of ancient logging tracks, signs of human activity are otherwise rare. Signs of elk, however, are abundant, especially in the form of frequent piles of droppings, so watch your step. More uphill switchbacks and traverses take you over a side ridge and then high into the rugged drainage of Lester Creek. The views become more frequent as you climb, becoming truly exceptional at a little past 2 miles when you cross an open slope with an unobstructed look at the west face of Kings Mountain.
