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Читать книгу Afoot and Afield: Portland/Vancouver. A Comprehensive Hiking Guide онлайн

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DIRECTIONS Drive west from Portland on State Highway 6 toward Tillamook. Near milepost 25, turn right into the signed parking lot for the Kings Mountain Trailhead.

The hike starts with a gradual ascent of 0.1 mile on the well-traveled Kings Mountain Trail to a junction with the Wilson River Trail. About 20 feet past the signed junction with the eastbound Wilson River Trail, you turn left on the westbound section of that path and gradually climb through dense forest. After just 0.2 mile the trail crosses an old jeep road. The recommended loop returns on the Wilson River Trail, but, for now, turn sharply right onto the jeep road.

The abandoned jeep track soon makes a sweeping turn to the left as it steadily climbs through a forest dominated by red alders and bigleaf maples. Soon after this turn the route narrows to become a foot trail. Although blowdown is sometimes a problem, this unmaintained trail remains easy to follow. As always, do your part to keep this path open by removing limbs, rocks, and debris as you hike. More sweeping turns take you to a short but welcome level stretch at about 0.8 mile. Expect to hear tiny winter wrens here belting out their remarkably loud songs.
