Главная » Gun Digest’s Pistol Shooting Tips for Concealed Carry Collection eShort. How to shoot a handgun accurately by mastering the double action trigger and clear malfunctions. читать онлайн | страница 19

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At the same time you need to stop before the sear releases and the gun fires. If your revolver is to be used as a defensive tool, imagine the liability of trying to stage the trigger for a critical, precise shot and having the gun fire before you were ready. Way back when, when my instructors and many others espoused trigger staging, I found that on occasion I’d miss the stopping point and the gun would fire. If that happens the shot will certainly not be terribly accurate, which more or less defeats the purpose of staging the trigger in the first place.

It’s a delicate balancing act, and most shooters who espouse this system use their trigger finger to push on the frame to stop in time. Doing that steers the gun, and the shooter is obligated to stop and realign the sights because they’ve now veered off target. In my never-to-be-humble opinion, staging has very little use on a target range and less than no use in a defensive situation.

I neither advocate nor teach trigger staging, but there is one exception where it is sometimes useful. If you have a gun with a particularly horrendous trigger action, especially one which has a sudden increase in weight followed by a sudden decrease just before the sear releases, staging the trigger may be the only method to get acceptable accuracy from the gun. This, however, is just a band-aid on the problem, with the real solution being to either get the revolver fixed or sell it.
