Главная » Gun Digest’s Pistol Shooting Tips for Concealed Carry Collection eShort. How to shoot a handgun accurately by mastering the double action trigger and clear malfunctions. читать онлайн | страница 25

Читать книгу Gun Digest’s Pistol Shooting Tips for Concealed Carry Collection eShort. How to shoot a handgun accurately by mastering the double action trigger and clear malfunctions. онлайн

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Compress and release the trigger without steering the gun in any direction. Pay attention particularly to the smooth, predictable release. You should be able to do several dry fired trigger strokes without moving the sights off alignment with the target.

Once those things have been accomplished, it’s time for live fire. But there is still a psychological barrier to be crossed, one which trips up a lot of people (your author included): attempting to get just the perfect sight alignment before hurriedly stroking the trigger. It’s an accuracy killer, it’s common, and there is a way to banish it forever.

How to hit the four-inch center of a Bianchi target? Let your sights wander, as long as they stay inside that circle.

Moving point of aim

There is a concept which has been around a while and is applicable to all kinds of shooting, but unfortunately doesn’t seem to be well understood by all that many people – including a lot of instructors I’ve spoken to. It was explained to me years ago by ace instructor Georges Rahbani, and at the point that I finally understood its value my shooting took a big stride forward. I’ve made use of it ever since, and I’ve watched it work wonders both with his students and my own. It’s called “moving point of aim.”
