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The sandbag is another genius idea from B. K. S. Iyengar. It’s a yoga prop that provides weight and encourages overworked areas to release. Yapana therapy students are hooked on sandbags. Classical weight plates were once used, the old-school kind that are still used in gyms. Imagine being in Savasana (Corpse Pose) with a few large round weights stacked on top of the pelvis and legs. Don’t laugh until you try it. I’ll try just about anything that I think might provide the kind of support I need at any given time. However, sandbags work even better than weight plates, and you can make your own. Whether you use sand (don’t steal it from the beach; buy it from the store), pea gravel, rice, or some other substance for the bag, be sure you do not entirely fill the bag, because it needs to be manipulable so that you can rest only part of it on a limb if needed.


1. When placing the bags at the top thighs in a supine BEING pose, be sure the knees are either on the same plane as the hips or no more than 1 inch above.
