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Читать книгу Newhall Shooting - A Tactical Analysis. An inside look at the most tragic and influential police gunfight of the modern era. онлайн

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The officers got out of their patrol car and took up initial positions with weapons drawn, as was standard procedure for a high risk or “hot” stop. Officer Gore exited the driver’s side, drew his six-inch Colt Python .357 Magnum revolver from his swivel holster, and pointed it at the vehicle from a “leaning” position across the left front fender and hood of the Dodge. Officer Frago, armed with the Remington 870 12-gauge shotgun from the patrol car’s Lektro-Lok rack, donned his hat and established a position just aft of the right front headlamp of the patrol car, in accordance with the tactics he had been taught for routine vehicle stops as a cadet less than a year and a half prior. (ssss1)

Officer Gore ordered the occupants out of the car with the command, “Get out with your hands up.” When neither Davis nor Twining complied with the command, he repeated it a second and third time before the driver, Davis, finally exited the vehicle. Witnesses reported that Gore had to order the noncompliant Davis an additional time to raise his hands, stating, “We told you to get your hands up.” Against directions, Twining remained in the car.
