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Читать книгу Newhall Shooting - A Tactical Analysis. An inside look at the most tragic and influential police gunfight of the modern era. онлайн

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The time was 23:56. The Pontiac had stopped just a little more than one minute earlier, and help had just arrived.


The Second Unit Arrives

As Officer Gore fell, mortally wounded, Unit 78-12 was pulling into position roughly parallel and to the north of Unit 78-8. The nose of 78-12 was ahead of 78-8 by about half a car length and angled slightly towards 78-8, and the two cruisers were separated by just eight to 10 feet. The newly arriving patrol car was caught in the same chokepoint as the previous vehicle, only slightly more than a car’s length behind the Pontiac. (ssss1)

Officers Pence and Alleyn had driven into an ambush and came under immediate fire from Davis and Twining, who had moved to the front of the car for cover. Davis placed his left hand on the hood of the car for support and triggered the remaining three rounds in the Model 38 revolver from an outstretched right arm, and Twining shot the remaining two rounds in the Model 28 revolver at the responding officers as their car approached (ssss1)13
