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On the lower slopes on the Mediterranean side of the Cevennes, where it is hotter and drier, one is frequently alerted to rustling in the undergrowth. This could be attributed to the thousands of tiny lizards, which abound everywhere, a grass snake or a viper, which are rarely seen, or one of the huge iridescent green lizards which at 60cm long are the largest in Europe. The air is alive with the rasping noise of the crickets and other insects. One of the more fascinating is the preying mantis, which does look as though it is praying but has the reputation of eating its mate!

But the most curious creature I have seen in the Cevennes was when I was walking round the Mont Lozère in the pouring rain; suddenly at my feet slithering across the path were four lizard-like creatures, black with big bright yellow spots. These are called spotted salamanders, and they only come out when it is raining hard, normally preferring to rest in swamps and ponds.



Circuit de L’arre
