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(6) The track meets the D48A (50mins), which goes up left to the hamlet of Loves. However, go right and continue on the road round a corner (ignore the junction right signposted‘Le Caila’) past some houses to a T-junction at the main road to Avèze.

(7) Go right on the road (you can see the village of Avèze left) for a few minutes and then left on a quaint stone bridge across the river where there is Camping Municipale on the other side (1hr). The red/white splashes of the GR7 now appear.

The river here is very attractive as it flows over stones, and there is a stony beach which is a good place for a picnic – beware of broken glass though!

(8) Turn right after the bridge onto a narrow road, which soon reaches the main bridge from Avèze. Do not cross the bridge but go straight over onto a narrow path, which follows the river all the way to Le Vigan. This is a pleasant flat path where bushes and willow trees border the riverbank – you can hear the traffic over on the left. It crosses a number of watercourses coming down into the river, passing orchards and a pylon opposite a high weir. The river becomes more rapid, and stretches of the cobbled path are raised and man-made.
