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Читать книгу Coastal Walks in Andalucia. The best hiking trails close to Andalucía's Mediterranean and Atlantic Coastlines онлайн

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The marisma’s rich flora and fauna are born of the interplay of salt water from the Atlantic with that of the Rio Barbate’s flood plain. Spoonbills, night heron and osprey are common sightings along with egrets, kestrels, and peregrine falcons. The marshes are also home to a huge variety of wading birds including avocet, black-winged stilt, ringed and Kentish plovers, dunlin and greater flamingos. The birds find rich pickings in the form of wedge clams, cockles and, closer to the ocean, mussels and prawns. Fish species inhabiting the marsh’s saline waters include sole, eel, mullet, bass and gilthead bream.

Spanish terrapin (Mauremys leprosa) in the reed beds

The track narrows down as it runs on between beds of reeds, still heading towards Vejer. Soon the track arcs hard right (2hr 30min) then once more left. Adopting its former course it passes through thicker undergrowth where there are stands of bamboo and mimosa. Crossing a cattle grid the track runs on to reach the junction where, earlier in the walk, you cut across to the eastern side of the marsh. From here retrace your footsteps back to the car park (3hr 5min).
