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Читать книгу Coastal Walks in Andalucia. The best hiking trails close to Andalucía's Mediterranean and Atlantic Coastlines онлайн

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Leaving the last village houses you reach a fork. Here angling right continue along a narrower track which runs just a few metres to the right of the one you’ve just left. After running back towards the broader track it once more angles right before meeting it once again opposite the gates of Los Altos de Paternilla. Continue along the main track which soon passes between the two lines of wind turbines before you reach the sign you passed earlier in the walk at 50min for El Bosque y Matorral Mediterráneo (2hr 50min).

From here retrace your footsteps back past the last of the wind turbines to reach a group of buildings and a Stop sign. From here you could shorten the walk by returning to Vejer via the same route you followed earlier in the day.

At the Stop sign angle hard left down a broad track. Views open out towards the Atlantic and Conil as you descend past a riding school then a set of gates marked Buena Vista. The track, now with a concreted surface, arcs right then hard back to the left towards a 20km speed limit sign. Here cut right away from the tarmac down a dirt track. Reaching a brown wooden gate follow the track as it angles right then climbs past an ochre-coloured house. After descending, and angling right, the track loops once more left and resumes its former course as it cuts through a thick stand of bamboo.
