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Читать книгу Ethics and Law for School Psychologists онлайн

3 страница из 160

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

A catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress

Hardback ISBN: 9781119816355; ePDF ISBN: 9781119816584; ePub ISBN: 9781119816577; Paperback ISBN: 9781119816362

Cover image: © Mitar Vidakovic/Shutterstock

Cover design by Wiley

Set in 10/12pt TimesNewRomanMTStd by Integra Software Services Pvt. Ltd, Pondicherry, India

To the memory of my son, Andrew Alan Neal (1982–2009) and Nancy and Tim Hartshorne’s children, Michael David Salem Hartshorne (1984–1992) and Katherine Swift Hartshorne (1991–1992).

— S. J.

To my parents, Gary and Kathleen Picklo; my husband Eric Decker; and my two children, Miles and Max.

— D. D.

To my seven sons Jay, William, John, David, Hugh, Robert, and Edward, who provide purpose to my life.

— E. L.

To my family for their ongoing love and support.

— E. D.


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5 ssss1What’s in the BookWhat’s Not in the BookEighth Edition RevisionsDisclaimersNew AuthorsCast of Characters
