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Emergency telephone number 117 for police/mountain rescue.

Formalities Visas are not required by holders of a valid UK passport or by other EU nationals. Visitors from other countries should enquire at their local Swiss embassy.

Health precautions There are no endemic contagious diseases in Switzerland, and at the time of writing no vaccinations are required for visitors entering the country, unless arriving from an area where cholera or yellow fever are prevalent, in which case an International Health Certificate will be needed. Consideration should be given to protection from tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) which is carried by the Ixodes tick. Risk is seasonal (March to September) and anyone engaged in outdoor activities could be vulnerable. Inoculation is available from travel clinics – seek advice from your GP. Any medical treatment in Switzerland must be paid for; make sure you have adequate health insurance.

Languages spoken French, German (Schwyzerdütsch), Italian and Romansch, but English is widely understood in many popular areas.
