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Straddling the Franco-Swiss border, a popular section of the Chablais region spreading out from Morgins is referred to in promotional literature as the Portes du Soleil, after a col on the ridge above Champéry, where a dozen resorts on both sides of the political divide are linked to exploit the skiing potential of the area and to promote both walking and mountain biking there.

But the whole region offers plenty of mountain walking opportunities, especially multi-day tours, some of which stray across the international frontier. Climbers are also well catered for, although there’s very little in the way of snow and ice except in winter. Rock routes abound in the lower-to-medium grades, and there are some exciting ridges to traverse. The main centres are Morgins in the valley of the same name, Champéry and Val d’Illiez in the valley from which the latter village takes its name, and Finhaut high above the Gorges du Trient.

1:1 Val de Morgins

Val de Morgins is pre-alpine; a broad, partly wooded pastoral valley whose upper reaches are linked to the Portes du Soleil ski playground. A short distance north of the valley’s only resort lies a small lake at the 1369m Pas de Morgins on the frontier, from where a road descends to Abondance in France.
