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There is only one aikido. That is the aikido of O'Sensei Morihei Ueshiba. However, there are many branches of aikido that reflect the abilities and preferences of different instructors based on when each personally trained with O'Sensei. Even future generations of students who have never met O'Sensei Morihei Ueshiba will have their interpretations for aikido. Several organizations have become independent in order to pursue their specific vision of aikido.

Aikido is evolving. There is no right or wrong aikido. There are only different perspectives and applications. There is only one aikido, and students of all levels of proficiency should maintain a strong tie to the basic techniques and principles of aikido.


In the beginning, a student in basic aikido knows only the physical training and execution of techniques. Eventually, the advanced student knows, and applies, the advanced aikido concepts that make the techniques work.

The concepts are interrelated and interdependent. Any stage, of any technique, is an illustration of each one of the concepts. They all exist simultaneously. Observation, perception, understanding, and application allow all students to see at their personal level of training and experience. In many regards, the techniques of aikido are relatively few and simple. It is the refinement of application that makes them different. As a student progresses from beginning to intermediate to advanced and beyond, he or she will become less dependent on the technical technique or even the concepts presented here. Eventually the goal is simply to spontaneously, creatively, and naturally move in response, not reaction, to any approach or attack. Aikido practitioners move in such a way that they naturally connect and move to avoid damage to either themselves or their opponent, and to take control of the situation and life.
