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Respect is another word seldom used in modern westernized society. Most people are more concerned with receiving respect than with giving it. People tend to believe they can demand respect due to their position rather than their merit, genuine knowledge, and by being respectable.

With consistent and persistent training, the student of aikido willingly accepts the responsibility to carry on the tradition of aikido given through his or her sensei and style. Responsibility means accountability to the past and to the future for what one does and teaches today. Responsibility means the acceptance of the consequences of one's behavior. Every behavior has a consequence; some will bring honor and some will bring shame. All behavior and communication has an effect and thus a consequence. The slightest movement in the execution of an aikido technique can add or diminish its effectiveness and efficiency. Likewise, the slightest behavior or communication can show dedication, an honoring of the debt of having been given a great skill and knowledge base, and respect for one's sensei, style, and the lineage of the family of aikido.
