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It is not necessary to acknowledge, endorse, or embrace any of the spiritual concepts and philosophies of aikido in order to gain a high level of technical proficiency and the benefits of training. However, many believe that you will only be limiting yourself from achieving the spiritual benefits of aikido, which are a natural extension of the training.

True budo cannot be described in words or letters; the gods will not allow you to make such explanations. Techniques of the Sword cannot be encompassed by words or letters. Do not rely on such things — move on towards enlightenment. (UESHIBA, M. 1991, P. 28)

The Shinto and Omoto spiritual philosophies that influenced O'Sensei Morihei Ueshiba's thoughts and practice, believed in the spiritual presence in nature. The Shinto practice of having many spirits or gods suggests that all of nature has inherent and innate spirituality. The interfaith practice of harmoniously aligning with others suggests that the same spirit lives in all things natural. Though most of us are acutely aware of distinctions and differences, it is the natural sameness of spirituality that connects us. This is not a byproduct of training or the result training to make it so, but the actual natural state of the universe. O'Sensei Morihei Ueshiba loved the countryside and farming as a means to commune with nature and receive inspiration directly for kami, or spirit. Spirituality, seen as natural and existing in all nature, is not about religious affiliation or denominations but about personal character and having mindful clarity beyond the learned ego identity and duality.
