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Juvenile diabolical cult worship, unlike adult and traditional cult practices, spreads propaganda about itself. Its promotion is found first and foremost in the lyrics of songs by famous rock group. These songs are in free trade and some words, if listened to in reverse, sing the praises of the Devil with a subliminal effect on listeners. Worse still, there is music circulating secretly that expressly celebrates atrocities such as rape or even the gutting of children and the killing of Jews, nomads, immigrants and vagrants with gas or fire: the so-called Nazisatanism. For some time now, there are some6 sites on the internet, that wallow in the macabre and demonic salaciousness, and they are increasing. The people influenced by this kind of propaganda practice the teachings they receive in a naïve way, and are therefore of greater danger for the public. On those websites, reviews of literary and cinematographic works of horror and satanic music intermingle with exaltation of the practice of all kinds of wickedness, and consider the various crimes against indiviuals and property as something normal.
