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Since the dojo is a special place, special behavior is required. Whatever our positions or problems in the outside world, when we enter the dojo, we enter a special realm where all our attention and energies should be devoted in a positive way toward creating an environment where the best is elicited from each of us.

the dojo hierarchy

As in all Japanese martial arts, there is a pronounced hierarchical emphasis in Kendo. This is demonstrated by the ways in which the class lines up as well as by the ways in which individuals relate to one another in the dojo.

Kendo as an art demands perfection of us, but no one but the most naive of students would believe that the mere practice of this art will lead to perfection. We nonetheless honor Kendo as a way that can help us move further along the path to self-perfection. As a result, we also honor those who have walked this path longer than we have.

In Kendo, seniors are treated with respect. Sempai (seniors) are given preference in the day-to-day workings of the dojo. Kohai (juniors) listen to their advice with respect and do their best to emulate them. All trainees treat each other with courtesy and strive to show, even in the littlest things, how Kendo's lessons have influenced their outlook and behavior.
