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Overview: The basic physical aspect of all Kendo can be understood as being built upon four central elements that form the heart of Kendo's fundamental techniques, or kihon:



Gripping the Shinai/Tenouchi

Swinging the Shinai/Suburi

Beginning students tend to focus on the exterior, flashy aspects of Kendo, but to be effective, these more dynamic manifestations of Kendo's principles must be based on a solid foundation of less glamorous skills.

In the pursuit of Kendo, it is best to go slowly and constantly drill and train in basics: how to stand, how to move, how to wield the shinai. Only a diligent pursuit of these more pedestrian aspects will yield an effective and aesthetically pleasing external form.

Kendo, although simple, in that is based on fundamental principles, is also extremely subtle and complex in the way it brings these principles into action. Since the novice will most often experience this in the process of training, an experience often as confusing as it is enlightening, we will explore the basics of the art by emulating a training session.
