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Notes for Walkers

As has already been stressed, the Tour of the Oisans is tougher and more demanding than most other multi-day treks in Europe, and although it is a walk which requires no technical mountaineering skills, scrambling ability, sure-footedness and a good ‘head for heights’ (no history of vertigo) will be called for. The Massif des Écrins is one of the most challenging of Alpine environments, and no one should accept the challenge of this route lightly.

Most of the trails are clearly defined, straightforward and well maintained. But there are also numerous narrow and exposed sections on which great care should be exercised. Even the most undemanding of paths can become hazardous when transformed by rain, snowmelt or a glaze of ice, and several stages travel through rough and remote country where a minor accident could have serious consequences.

Happily, the frequency of accommodation with meals provided effectively limits the need to carry a heavy rucksack (unless you plan to camp along the way). Even so, the very first stage offers a brutal introduction to the Tour of the Oisans, so in order to gain the maximum enjoyment from the route do yourself a favour and get ‘mountain fit’ before leaving home. The most effective way of doing this is by walking uphill (as much uphill as possible), carrying a rucksack.
