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Walking in the woods and hills

The wonderful woodland walking contrasts pleasantly with that of the open bay. Several of the walks combine a bit of both. A general criticism levelled at forest walking is that the trees are all the same, the views restricted and the paths dull. Although this may be true of plantations, the more natural woodland walking in this area is completely different. The scene is constantly changing and there are beautiful clearings and dells. There are huge spreading yews, wand-like hazels, grand oaks and beeches, ashes and hornbeams and a smattering of larches and pines.

Yew trees are a feature on many walks

The paths are rarely dull, for they run over a thinly soiled limestone, where the craggy structure is constantly poking through. There are limestone pavements, where some of the crevices sprout prickly hawthorns, delightful in blossom time. Tiny crags, often clothed in rich mosses and trees, are either companions to the path or features to be crossed. Views are restricted at times, especially in the height of summer greenery, but the paths weave an intricate course amongst the rocks. Suddenly a clearing may reveal a glimpse of silvery Morecambe Bay or the surrounding hills. Where the woodland thins there are pleasant clearings, sometimes fringed by brambles which can be profitably visited in season.
