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Gamow bag and oxygen cylinders

A Gamow bag is a large plastic bag into which a person suffering from serious altitude sickness can be cocooned under higher air pressure to mimic a lower altitude for a limited period. Mountaineers have, of course, used oxygen for years at altitude. If you are with a commercial trekking group, your staff might have one of these and know how to use them.

Lingshed village (and gompa just above) seen from the Hanamul La (Trek 5)

Other possible ailments on trek

The air at high altitude is drier than at lower elevations, so greater water loss than normal occurs through breathing. Due to processes that take place in our bodies urination is more frequent. Another reason for greater fluid loss during trekking is the enhanced physical exertion at altitude. Therefore one needs to drink more than at lower elevations – you should drink about 5 litres of liquid (preferably water) a day (remember that consumption of coffee, tea and alcohol increases fluid loss). Observe your urine; if it is dark in colour, you must drink more.
