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Читать книгу Walking and Trekking in the Sierra Nevada. 38 walks, scrambles and multi-day traverses онлайн

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Refugio Elorrieta; Refugio Peña Partida; Refugio Cucaracha (Photo: Victoria Bocanegra Montañes); Refugio Cebollar

These are simple shelters and sleeping arrangements are basic. They are possibly most useful in the winter months when you’re carrying the extra weight of winter equipment. The more modern and populated ones have elevated wooden boards to sleep on, and at worst you’ll have to sleep on a concrete floor. Take an insulated sleeping mat and sleeping bag, along with a stove, food and fuel. Nearby water sources are indicated below, but in winter months snow for melting is usually close to hand. Make sure you overestimate the amount of fuel required to melt snow.

There is no booking system in place for these refuges: they operate on a first come, first served basis. Bear this in mind on Friday and Saturday evenings throughout the year, when the popular refuges (Carihuela, Caldera, Refugio Forestal de Loma Pela and Caballo) will get busy with locals. On these nights you can expect late arrivals, with locals having finished work earlier in the day. Try to remain calm as they chat, eat, drink and snore their way through the night. Some good ear plugs are advised!
